Sunday, March 27, 2011

What Is Life?

     How many times do people ask this question in a week?  Or should I say, a day?  Everyone searches for the meaning of life, what life is, etc.  Well life can be many things.  For you people, who are all about science, life what makes us live.  Life can be a newborn baby.  Life can be a passing breeze.  Life can be the coat that has been in closet for three years and it has come back in style.  People think they know what life is, when truthfully, none of us do.  
Most of us just keep following our schedule and sometimes just keep moving on with our day.  I, unfortunately, do not have this luxury.  I constantly think I am just a person in a book, then I realize I am not.  That's when I pause and start asking why questions.  Why questions are irritating.  They interrupt me all the time and ask impertinent questions.  Some of these questions are: "Why am I here?""Why was I given this life?""Why did Eve eat the forbidden fruit, forcing us to go to school everyday?""Why must I act like this?""Why are we the important species?""Why can't wolves or another species be the important species?""Why is there war?""Why did God make us so complicated?"  These are truly joyous questions.  
     No one is quite sure how to answer them.  I want to tackle questions like these and points that we all reach in life.  I write for children, teens, parents, grandparents, writers, painters, architects; I write these posts for everyone.  I plan making this blog a reference for people when they want "the other" opinion.  I wish to help and learn while I write.  I want to change the world through my writing.  Life brings us challenges and I want to counter these challenges with new thoughts and ideas on the subjects.  
    To me life is something that makes us get up every morning.  Something mysterious that no one knows much about.  Life is a mystery that we all need to solve.  It's a mystery book that has no true ending.  It's always different.  You can quote me on that.    

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm Sorry and Welcome!

I must tell you something.  I am so sorry.  I have deserted you, dear readers.  I am so sorry!  School has caught me by its thorny hands and has not let me breathe until this weekend.  

Another thing, I have changed my blog!  I can only take writing for fashion for only so long.  I am now taking on a bigger task.  I am documenting life and what advice I have for you.  Fair warning, I have only experienced a little bit of life and I am giving advice from the experience of listening to stories and reading lots of books.  When I say lots, I mean lots.  I hope you enjoy the blog and I hope you understand why I have not written for so long.  Talk to you soon!