Ask Your Resident Teen Iconoclast AKA Katherine

If you are on this page, that means that you have a question that needs to be answered or you want to see what questions have been asked.  If you have any questions, just email me at  If you have anything that you want me to discuss, any questions, or anything along those lines email me and I will answer whatever questions you have for me. Thanks for reading my blog!

Who is your inspiration for writing and why do they inspire you and how? From Jaime

I never chose someone to be my inspiration because I love all writers and all writers are my inspiration because they can take what's in their head and heart and put it on paper.  They can take words in the English language and string them into profound sentences.  All writers are my inspiration.

Are you happy with your life and if you could switch to another life would you? From David

I am very happy with my life.  I would not switch to another life because I need to keep going on with my life and see where I am heading.  

What do you think you are going to do with your life when you get older? From Savannah 

I first thought of becoming an architect.  I then decided not to because one miscalculation and I could kill hundreds of people.  I hope to be a writer and change the world for the better with my thoughts and ideas.

What do you like so much about music? From Tony from the Bronx

I love music because it captures peoples true emotions and feelings in a powerful way. "Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent." (Victor Hugo)

Who is your favorite singer? From Justina

These questions are beginning to get harder. I have so many favorite singers that I have lost track. My favorites seem to change from time to time. From my recent post, you can tell my opinions change. I love Lady Gaga, ADELE, Katy Perry, Maroon 5, and many many others.

What is your favorite food and why? From Tanisha

My favorite food is, I would have to say anything sweet. I love this Cuban food called Boniatillo. It's sweet potato that has been cooked and a lot of powered sugar is put on it. It's delicious! 

What do you think of Youtube comedians? From Jason

I am a huge fan of Youtube comedians. It is one way I spend my free time. I am a huge fan of Shane Dawson, Smosh, Ray William Johnson and many others.

1 comment:

  1. i think you should write a book!!! your blog is AMAZING
