Most of us have gone to the zoo in our lifetime and have marveled at the wild cats, the monkeys, the marsupials and all the many others. All zoos state that they are there to save the creatures and help conserve the many species. I suggest that you all donate to these zoos because it appears that several species are declining. Some species that are diminishing are tigers, lions, rhinos, vultures, polar bears, penguins, amphibians, and primates.
Research shows that at the beginning of the 20th century there were 100,000 tigers in the wild but at the beginning of the 21st century there were 5-6,000 tigers left. "Due to the tigers' position at the top of the food chain, habitat viability and prey population density are heavily dependent on the tigers continued survival." Tigers are also symbols for many different cultures. The tiger was incorporated into many coats of arms because it represented power and strength. The tiger has an influence in the Hindu and Buddhist religions. The tiger is incorporated in the Chinese culture as an honored creature in the Zodiac. (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998) You can help by donating money to the fund at this website:
In the 1980s, there were around 200,000 lions roaming the wild. Now, there are fewer than 20,000 roaming the wild. If this species became extinct, then there would be a growth in the animals the lions hunted. There would eventually be so many that they would "overgraze their habitat" and the water sources would be affected and the habitat would fall as would the different species of prey. People also hunt down lions and tigers, for that matter, for their pelts. Hunting endangered animals for their pelts is a BIG NO in my book. Please donate money to:
People in Asia and Africa are killing Rhinos for their horns. They believe that the horns have medicinal properties. The poaching of rhinos is illegal in these countries, but it doesn't stop people from doing it. "An estimated three rhinos were illegally killed each month in all of Africa from 2000-05, out of a population of around 18,000. In contrast, 12 rhinoceroses now are being poached each month in South Africa and Zimbabwe alone." Almost all species of rhinos are endangered. Donate to:
The vulture population is shrinking drastically. Cattle farmers gave a medication to their cattle in order to cure a variety of diseases. The cattle died from kidney failure as an effect from the drug. The vultures fed off of the dead cattle and died because it was poison. It was careless of the cattle farmers to do that. Scientists say that the lack of vultures is unhealthy. It means that the carcasses are now the perfect spot for tons of bacteria to produce. Please find a way to donate money.
Polar bears are up against pollution, climate change, hunting, and oil exploration. In 2005, 5 subpopulations of polar bears were declining, 5 were increasing, and 2 were increasing. In 2009, eight subpopulations were declining, 3 were stable, and 1 was increasing. Donate to:
Scientists have noticed the declining number of penguins within years and are not sure of the reason why. They believe it might be due to overfishing or climate change. Numbers have decreased from the millions. Please find a way to help.
Amphibians are important because they tell us about our environment. They have been called "environmental markers" Since they are so sensitive to changes in the environment, maybe the environment is making their numbers diminish. Please donate:
50% of the world's primates are facing extinction. There are about 720 mountain gorillas still in existence. They are close to extinction because of "poaching, murder, exploitation, and deforestation." Donate money to:
It is vital that people understand the perilous position some of our beloved animals are in. Please donate money to different causes in order for these species to be saved. I took a lot of information from different sites so if anything was plagiarized please let me know. I hope you can help.
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