Thursday, August 11, 2011

Television in Our Head: Part One

The art of writing began in about 3,500 B.C.  With that skill, we began learning how to understand it.  We call this reading.  A lot of us love to read, and a lot of us claim to hate it.  Yet, those of us who say "we hate it"actually are reading all of the time.  You see a sign and if you want to know what it's about, you read it.  On the computer, you read Facebook status updates.  Currently, on my Facebook page, if I scroll all the way down to the bottom without refreshing there are 1, 536 words on it.  When we go on Facebook, we scroll down to see what the updates are.  So, you just read in the neighborhood of 1,000 words or more depending on how many friends you have.  Currently, there are 1,067 words on my profile.  My blog currently contains over 6,000 words on it.  You are always reading no matter what.  Simply, don't put down reading.  

As many people have described it, reading is considered television in your head.  I agree with this completely.  When you watch TV, one article says that it puts you into a "hypnotic state."  You sink deeper into the sofa and you relax.  As you're watching South Park, (a personal favorite of mine) your brain switches from the left side of your brain to the right side.  The left side of your brain is responsible for critical analysis.  The right side of your brain releases your emotions.  So, little critical analysis is coming in.  A chemical that is released from the right side of your brain is called endorphins.  This chemical gives you a "feel good feeling."  TV is not as productive as reading.  

I say this because when you watch TV you are supplied with the narration, the images, the characters, the story line, and just about everything else.  You don't have to make the great effort that goes into reading.  When you read, you have to come up with the imagery to that all on your own.  I know it sounds like a lot of work, but it really isn't.  It's an instinct we all have.  Your best friend describes a guy she likes.  It might be something like this, "Oh my God, there is this guy I met and he is so cute!  He is about 5 foot 7.  He has really like "swoopy" black hair and it comes over one eye like that (hand gesture).  He has green eyes and he is really strong too.  He is so nice and sweet too!"  I am sure a lot of you just got an image in your head of what this guy might look like.  That wasn't too difficult to picture, now was it?

So reading isn't that bad.  So don't say you hate it.  Whenever I hear someone I know say they hate it, I cringe, just a little.  My mind automatically revolts and tells me "ALERT!"  Sirens start wailing in my head and I begin to back away slowly, then very quickly.  I also help convert my friends to reading and they have told me, "Katherine, what books should I read? I have run out of ideas."  This always makes me proud and very happy.  One friend of mine in particular wasn't very big on reading and whenever she reads a book, she makes a point of telling me.  Usually, whenever I am invited to a birthday party I always bring a Barnes and Noble gift card and another gift such as make-up, nail polish, clothing, a GameStop gift card or anything else that fits that persons personality.  

So I am going to start writing reviews about books.  These posts will be called Television in Our Head.  This shall be the logo of this post. I created this image specifically for this post.  

So right now, I am going on Amazon Bestsellers and I will tell you out of the ones I have read, why I recommend them.  

The Harry Potter Series

This series is probably one of the best book series of all time.  It has everything.  Magic, mayhem, a new world, mystery, intrigue, some romance, and can be scary at times.  Many of us are die-hard Potter fans and have read the series of seven books and watched all of the eight movies that accompany it.  J.K. Rowling is an amazing author who has created an amazing world that has our wildest dreams inside of it.  This is an understatement to her writing and I recommend this for readers of all ages. You can get this series on Amazon for $41.99.  Or you can borrow it from your local library.  
I began reading this series at age eleven and since Harry Potter begins at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at age eleven.  I checked the mail every single day for that fateful letter that changed Harry's life forever.  Even to this day, I pray that the letter was lost in the mail or they actually accept students older than that now.  The series books are entitled:
1.) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
2.) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
3.) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4.) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
                                     5.) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
                                     6.) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
                                     7.) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  

The Twilight Saga

There is always a constant battle between the Potter lovers and the Twilight lovers.  Personally, I love both series.  Why do you have to choose a side?  They are both amazingly well written series and they have a great plot line.  For those of you who love the supernatural and are a hopeless romantic this series is perfect for you.  It is a love story and adventure at the same time.  This series was written by Stephanie Meyer and it's main character is Bella Swan who falls in love with a boy at school (typical!) who is very stand offish towards her.  She then finds out that he is a vampire and she is the only human who knows.  Later on in the series she finds out her old friend, Jacob Black loves her, and he is a werewolf.  During this whole romance whirlwind her life is in danger by other vampires who want to drink her blood and find her a threat to the vampire race. 
As a hopeless romantic to many other hopeless romantics, this is a dangerous series.  You will get sucked in, pardon the pun.  (I keep doing that lately.)  This is the titles of the series as follows:

1.) Twilight
2.) New Moon
3.) Eclipse
4.) Breaking Dawn

I went to a Catholic school when I was reading the series and they had the first three books.  I asked about the last one, but they didn't have it because it was "inappropriate."  I did read it though, and it wasn't that shocking.  Guys out there that are reading this: You might want to skip this series.

I am only covering these two series today because they are very famous series and I just want to introduce this series of blog posts to you.  Enjoy! 

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